Getting to know the artist

Jack was born in Dublin on April 30th 1935. While he regarded himself as a Dub, he did most of his growing up on a dairy farm in Leixlip, Co. Kildare to which his family moved when he was 2 or 3 years old. He had a great love of nature all his life and this is reflected in his many watercolour paintings of seascapes and mountains.
Jack studied engineering in Bolton street and later in London and was a very skilled draftsman for which he had a natural gift. Drawing and sketching came easily to him, in work and for pleasure. The precision and attention to detail he was known for can be seen clearly in his pencil and charcoal sketches.
Jack began with pencil and charcoal sketching and later in life began to experiment with watercolours. He joined the local art group, took courses and bought books. He was still learning and doing courses into his late 70's. He would sit in the living room at home, where the light was best, to paint. He also had the attic space set up with his drawing board and paints. He tried wet on wet and soaked canvases in the bath tub. He loved the sky and clouds but apparently was never happy with his reproduction. Perhaps he felt it didn't do justice to Gods handiwork.
Jack would take photos when on holidays or just out for the day, scenes that he liked or buildings that interested him. He would then transfer them to paper at home. He also used his skill to draw up plans for various extensions on his own home and those of family members. He often doodled on odd pieces of paper, which were popular with his work colleagues, who would sometimes take them home. He was full of kindness and generosity and is remembered for his firm handshake and great big hugs. We are sure he would be delighted and not a little surprised that beautiful cards now being produced from his artwork.
It would have been such a pleasure to have met Jack. The paintings are a masterpiece, each one of them. We are very Blessed to have met his daughter Angela and to be in touch with her. May he rest in peace and may his legacy live on for ever.
With love and gratitude,
Sheila and John,
South Africa.